After going through some research and doing some own readings on the topic given 'Le Modular' i've gained some valuable knowledge on the existence of The modular. here's my interpretation of the Le Modular based on what I've read.
Le Modular
Le Modular is the special given name to a Swiss-born French architect Le Corbusier. The Modular is recognized to be an anthropometric scale of proportions which he related to Leonardo da Vinci’s “Vitruvian Man” that later used by architecture to help scale the proportions of the human body to hel[ improve the appearance and the scale of a certain element. Examples couls be like the width and height of a door or the size of a chair or table and even the height of the ceiling. After Le Corbusier sought to introduce a scale of visual measures while being fascinated still with measurements such as an elbow equals to cubit, fingers used for digits and a thumb for inch measuring he was still baffled with measuring metres hence lead to the creation of The Modular in 1943.
It was created as an illustration bridge among two unsuited scales which are the Imperial system and the Metric System and based on the height of an English man with his arm raised.
Le Corbusier quoted the Modular to be a "range of harmonious measurements to suit the human scale, universally applicable to architecture and to mechanical things."
By reading through related articles on the topic I found that basically for a design to work, a person either use form or use function as their guiding design principles it goes both directions.
An example that I could think of is that for instance a glass is designed to be able of holding walter hence the form of the glass reflects the function of the liquid.
A problem discovered by a person named Curt Cloninger was that he found that when ‘form follows function’ it is as stating that every form that naturally exists in our world is present because of functional requirements. For example going backwards we start with the end result then we turn back to the origin of it and assume that the results were predictable. But there are actually reasons why something might have a particular form.
I believe the debate of this still goes on as most articles I read has their own saying for everything but if I was asked this question whether FORM FOLLOWS FUNCTION or FUNCTION FOLLOWS FORM that im actually am being ask now which is why im writing this, I would most probably say that Function Follows Form. This is because I believe that one u are researching on one’s function particularly, a perfect idea of getting the form in comes directly next.