Our Concept Board
Ok here's a bit what fadh and i planned on how to designed our both.
first of all the product that were going to advertise is Seed. Seed is known for their stylish cloth-line and what can perfectly fit the picture? exactly! a fashion runway. We're bringing all of u a seed Fashion Runway guys! except there's not gonna be any models doing the fashion show, infact there isnt gonna be a Dj or what so ever and sadly there isn't gonna be an actual runway. -killed it-
we're just gonna use the concept of a fashion runway and apply it to our booth. so the good news is that there will be a runway floor let me rephrase that, there's gonna be a floor that looks like its from a runway just a bit smaller and a bit circular and we will try our best to make the atmosphere of a runway show present in designing the booth.
down here is out concept board that consist all those fashion runway elements:

We've got Seed Posters, We've got stunning mannequins, we've got the polished white floors and we've got everything it takes to make our idea happen. keep up to date on how the design goes!
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